Rush Wars

Ready to kick butt and get mega rich? From the creators of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale comes a heroic combat strategy game full of surprises like a laser firin’ robot dinosaur and exploding arcade machines! Rush Wars has everything you love in a strategy game and more: exciting and unexpected new characters, outsmarting the opposition, and competitive team battles. Rush Wars is a casual game for everyone to enjoy but provides the depth and challenge competitive players desire as they rise through the ranks. No hours wasted on designing and changing defensive bases, no long wait times to prepare your troops for battle. So start building your butt kickin’ squad and Rush into battle today! FEATURES ● Construct your ultimate attack squad to raid enemy gold mines and get mega rich ● Join a TEAM or start your own with friends ● Fight in war and face off against enemy TEAMS from around the globe ● Discover the Rush Wars universe by earning Free Boxes to unlock troops and defenses ● Collec...