Human Gangs: Floppy Fight Falls

What do you think will happen if gangs of jelly men converge in a fight? Get hilarious spectacle! It is incredibly funny to watch as the gangs of soft dangling floppy little human are pounding and beat each other like beasts. And even funnier to take part in these ridiculous battles between rubber human. Show what you can do and fight like a beast in the flesh. Take any random item in your hand and use it as you like. Beat enemies with things, throw any objects at enemies, or even throw human wherever you want or throw them from a great height. See how gangsters are ridiculously fall, thanks to well-developed amusing physics. Remember that physics is your assistant. Apply ingenuity and figure out how best to use physics for your own purposes. Any items break and even some walls, so feel free to use it. Use everything to prove that you are the coolest gangster from the coolest gang! ==>Gameplay •Name: Human Gangs - Floppy Fight Falls •Developers: Charming Agency •Size: 50MB •Genre: A...